Friday 28 December 2012

2013 - New Year Resolutions

2013, you are just around the corner. And that scares me just a little. I’ll tell you why. There will be so many changes for me. I’m not the biggest fan of change, but I’m finally coming to terms with the fact that I need to embrace it, because it will change me for the better. Opening my life up to new experiences. I’ll be flying the nest in September. Off to University (it’s all dependent on whether I get the grades, of course!) so I’m a little hesitant, naturally.

With change creeping up on me, I’ve decided to share my New Year’s Resolutions with you all. 

Maisie’s 2013 Resolutions
Laugh. A lot.
Write your own personal mission statement.
Go to Glasgow, Scotland.
Read all those books that are still brand new but you’ve never got around to reading.
Drink a lot of tea.
Be with those who really make you see the value of your own self.
Take a road trip.
Go to Paris
Be fearless (at least as much as you can be)
Volunteer for charity.
Cycle a half marathon in aid of charity.
Finally write that novel.
Appreciate all the golden moments.
Do not fear getting hurt.
Make the best of your situation.
Go ice skating.
Trust those who know you best.

What will your 2013 resolutions?

xo Maisie

Monday 10 December 2012

December, how I love you so...

Brrrr! It's freezing here!

As my dear Daddy keeps saying "It's proper winter weather!"

I couldn't agree with him more. When the days draw to a close quickly and it's dark by around four in the afternoon, that's when I get excited knowing it's perfectly acceptable to cuddle up on the couch with a steaming cup of hot chocolate and watch some Christmas classics.

Recently, I've discovered a newfound love in terms of a Christmas film. It's A Wonderful Life is now one of my absolute favourite Christmas films. I discovered by love for the classic black and white films through watching It's A Wonderful Life. If you've never watched it, I would highly recommend doing so, I can't believe I waited til last Saturday night to watch it for the first time.

Now, you can probably tell I love Christmas, and I really do. I think it's the most wonderful time of year, where people are so jolly and cheery without any reason other than the fact it's Christmas.

Some things I'd recommend doing this Christmas:

  • Decorate! (I even decorated my wheelchair for the holiday season!)
  • Make Christmas cookies!
  • Smile and wish people a "Merry Christmas"
  • Drop spare change in charity collection tins.
  • Wrap your gifts
  • Make paper snowflakes (I still love doing this, even now!)
  • Drink hot chocolate.
  • Watch Elf
  • Make plans with friend/family member(s) to go and look at all the gorgeous Christmas lights.
  • Volunteer your time to your favourite charities 
  • Wear Christmas socks (this is a MUST!)
  • Spend a whole day or two (or even a week, if you're feeling especially festive) wearing a headband with reindeer ears on!
  • Watch Elf whilst wearing your reindeer ears!
See you all soon & Merry Christmas!

xox Maisie 

Saturday 1 December 2012

My Christmas Traditions!

Why, hello December! As you know you are my favourite month, I’m very excited your here!

If you didn’t already know, I love Christmas. I love everything that comes with the festive season. Here are my little loves of the season:
Christmas trees. 
Writing Christmas cards.
Buying gifts.
Singing madly out of tune to Mariah songs.
Chocolate coins.
Christmas CDs I’ve had since I was 2. 
Hot chocolate.
The advert calendar I’ve had since I was 4.
Christmas Eve pyjamas
Wrapping gifts whilst watching Christmas films.
Elf. (if you haven’t seen it, watch it!)

What do you love about Christmas? 


Thursday 15 November 2012

Getting back into the swing...

Hi everyone!

I know, I know! I've been gone for two weeks exactly and I feel really bad (mostly because I keep forgetting my passwords!) How are you all? I hope you've been well.

I've been reading like crazy lately. I just finished a brilliant little guide entitled The Ultimate Guide to a Healthy Body Image by Anne-Sophie Reinhardt. I'd recommend it to anyone who needs a little pick me up and wants to reconnect with what is import to them.

It certainly had a good affect on me!

Buy on Amazon - click here

I'll be back with more in the coming days!

Much love,

Maisie xox

Thursday 1 November 2012

Book Review #1: The Time of My Life by Cecelia Ahern

Hello everyone and welcome to November! I can't believe I'm actually saying that. This morning when I woke up I was like "Oh my God! It's November!"

Anyways, this post as you can probably already tell is my review of The Time of My Life by Cecelia Ahern.

Now, if you've read her first novel P.S I Love You (or, at least, saw the massively successful movie) you'll probably have very high expectations of the talented phenomenon. I know I certainly did. And, with this book, she exceeded my expectations and really delivered.

What is the basis of the plot, you may just be wondering? 

Well, the main character Lucy Silchester lives in Ireland, busying herself with all of life's stresses. When she leasts expects it, she figures out that she hasn't been paying much attention to her life, that's when it intervenes. Life. In the form of a full grown human man.

Initially, I'd seen this book lying around at the library and even at the supermarket. I'd been interesting in reading it but never actually had the chance to pick it up. Then just over a week ago, I found it in my local bookstore, and it was part of a deal (who doesn't love a good bargain when it comes to books?!) so I picked it up. I REALLY enjoyed this book and would recommend it to anyone that loves a good story that is so original, quirky and, if I'm honest, absolutely hilarious. I'll be honest, I was a little skeptical at first but once I got into the story, I was addicted. The book was constantly in my hand, whilst I read and ignored pretty much everyone as I was getting through the last twenty or so pages. What? It was just that good.

A definite 5/5 stars from me!

Happy reading!

Maisie xox

Monday 29 October 2012

Why I read & Monthly Book Reviews!

How are we all this fabulous Monday? 

I hope you've got a smile on your face, because I certainly have!

I've been inspired to a create a little series on my blog. I'm going to be doing monthly book reviews! Isn't that exciting?! (well, if you're an avid reader like me, I hope it is)

I've been an avid reader since I learnt to read. I started with Horrible Henry books when I was around 7, and always had books since then. Now, I have two bookcases in my room, because the one I was bought for Christmas, not even a year old yet, is packed full of paperbacks. I've always loved literature. I love words and being able to string them together. Now, I don't think it's much of a surprise I've been writing continuously for the past three years, whether it be writing about my life or a story based on characters that wander round my brain on a 24 hour basis. 
I like it. It challenges me, but also fills me with confidence. 

For the past three years, I've been told that my talent lies in writing. I like to think that my circumstances (being in a wheelchair, basically) is great material for my writing endeavours. Let's just say that before I started writing on a regular basis, I couldn't muster the courage to outright state that my circumstances didn't bother me. And at the time, being in a wheelchair really did get to me, but now, I believe that through words, I can hopefully inspire people that may or may not be in the same situation as me. I've been through so much in my life and being in a wheelchair has taught me so much. It taught me that mentally, I could gain strength and get over whatever was "blocking" me. 

Books have always given me an insight into life. Made me realise things I probably wouldn't have realised for a long time if I hadn't read some of those books. This is why I love books so much. Some say that books are an escape route, I would agree to some extent, but it can also make you reflect on your own life. That's why I love books.

I'm excited to say that sometime in November will be the first official monthly book review! Eeek! I'll be reviewing The Time of My Life by Cecelia Ahern. 

I hope you all have a lovely week!

Love and hugs, 

Maisie xox

Friday 26 October 2012

Busy busy busy...

I've been so busy lately it's unbelievable. Essay deadlines. University applications. Life has been so crazily hectic lately it's been hard for me to calm down and just relax. I am so glad it's half term now, as we're going down South tomorrow for a well needed break. I do have to do some reading for my courses, but since when has reading ever been much of a chore for me? ;)

I've been trying to write my novel, and the inspiration is finally back. Just in time for me to have a lovely week away. Now that's what I call good timing.

I'm not looking forward to the five a.m wake up, but I'm happy because that means I can buy a nice Starbucks at the service station. Plus, I will have my best friend with me. My four year old puppy (who's clearly not a puppy anymore) Ruby, who will be just as moody as I will at five a.m (hey, we're not morning people…)

I promise I'll take lots of pictures and share some of the funniest with you 

See you in about a week!

If you've just broken up for half term, I hope you have a good break!

Maisie :)

Friday 19 October 2012

3 Things My Father Taught Me

Everybody tells me I’m just like my father. I take this as the biggest compliment possible.
My dad has been one of the biggest, if not the biggest influence in my life. He taught me so much. Here’s the top three things that he taught me:
  1. Time (and music) are the best healers - Given that I come from a huge Irish, music loving family, this had to be my absolute top lesson on the list. When I was younger, my dad and I traveled together. A lot. The one thing that used to accompany us on the road was music. Whether it be The Smiths, Bruce Springsteen, Elbow or Eric Clapton, we always listened to good music. And he taught me the value of it. I would argue that music was thing that strengthened, if not formed the such strong bond we have today.
  2. Always Look On The Bright Side Of Life - It’s unbelievable how I can always say that this song springs to mind when I think of him. Given what he’s been through in his life, I can’t think of him as anything but the biggest inspiration I have ever come across. His mentality is to look at every day with the biggest smile possible, and greet it as a new and exciting opportunity to change and grow. To live.
  3. Be a survivor - If anything, my father taught me to be comfortable. Comfortable on my own. I guess he taught me how to be self sufficient. Through this, I’m finally getting to the point where I can say I’m getting comfortable with who I am. And that’s a big thing for me. 

Hope you all have a lovely weekend!

Much love,
Maisie xox

Friday 12 October 2012

5 Things I Love about Autumn

October is officially here. Although it may seem like Autumn has officially settled in and the weather seems to be changing almost too rapidly for you, I'd suggest you enjoy the seasonal changes.

I know that, for me, personally, I love Autumn, Winter and Spring. However, I'm not that much of a fan of Summer. Let's just say the idea of hats, scarves, gloves, Ugg boots and hot chocolate appeal to me more than a beach holiday. Some say I'm weird, but that's their opinion ;)

Here are the five main things I love about Autumn:
  1. Autumn leaves. - This is my absolute favourite thing about autumn. Watching the world around me change as we transfer from season to season. It also reminds me that it is nearly Christmas! 
  2. Hot chocolate - I think you had to see that coming. I mean, I'm a chocolate lover, through and through, so any wintery chocolate beverage is always on the agenda for me.
  3. Reading - I love to read. Autumn gives me the perfect excuse to wander into the nearest bookshop and satisfy my slight obsession with reading. As the air gets cooler, it also gives me an excuse to curl up on the couch and read a few books.
  4. Movie marathons - I am a huge fan of Cinema. Needless to say, my DVD collection is a tad over the top. I love having movie marathons, whether it be on my own, or with a friend. If my friends and do have movie marathons, we always make it something to look forward to. We stock up on chocolate and popcorn and just have a good time :)
  5. Food - I love the food that we have when it turns to Autumn/Winter time. Soups, stews and Sunday Dinners certainly make up for the lack of sunshine, in my opinion.
Do you like Autumn? If so, what are your favourite things about the season?

- Maisie :) 

Count Your Blessings

Go on. Try it. This is what I love to do when I’m feeling low. I think of all the people that have been incredible contributions to my quality of life. I’m living and breathing. I feel incredibly blessed. When I was younger, maybe thirteen or so, I used to think back on all my bad memories. And I used to dwell on them, a hell of a lot. And it wasn’t good for me. At all. It just used to drag me into the hole of self-pity I had built for myself from say, the age of ten. At this stage, I was so aware that maybe I wasn’t what they called “normal”. I mean, I have memories of hospitals, doctors, needles, medical professionals telling my parents things I was only going to really understand five years down the line. I don’t think I’ve spoken about my personal issues on the blog as of yet, but I’m perfectly willing to. You see, I’m in a wheelchair. And after seventeen years, I can, without self-loathing, that I’m so proud of this fact. I have met so many amazing and inspirational people. It’s actually crazy how much I love my life. 
I work closely with a charity called Go Kids Go! which help children who are wheelchair users to become independent. I was ten when I went to my first course. The first time I mastered the wheelie, I was so proud of myself. I’m not even joking. Seven years later, I’m now a Teen Ambassador of the charity. Go Kids Go! has pretty much been my second family for the majority of my life. When I wake up in the morning and start to feel bad about my situation, I think of the gift that I’ve been given. Life. I like to think of my wheelchair as my best friend. It has given me so many opportunities. It made me realise my purpose. These children who are in wheelchairs, I can empathise with them. I know what it feels like. I started to feel so uplifted when I knew my life wasn’t useless. Given the independence that these children are bound to receive through these courses, they can live a happy and fulfilled life, knowing that nothing on this Earth can ever stop from going to chase, with such ferocity, whatever makes them spark with life. Makes them feel alive knowing that there is a reason for everything, letting them find their own purpose and being able to find what makes them feel alive. Knowing that I get to help these kids fulfill their upmost potential fills me with inspiration, every part of my being knowing that, collectively, we can make a difference. 

Oreos, Self-love and Positivity!

Given that this is the first ever article on my new website, I feel obligated to really put everything I believe into not only this article, but this website, entirely. For those who know me outside of cyberspace, you know I’ve always loved making a grand entrance. And I hope this article could be described as one of those. What is Lovely As You Are all about, you may be wondering? I like to think that this blog will provide people with frequent feelings of positivity, happiness and a massive dollop of self love in there as well!
  Self love. Some may mistake self love for being conceited, or completely self absorbed, but I hope that I can prove that, that mentality towards self love is nothing but a myth. Self love is about appreciating what YOU as an individual have to offer the world, seeing the wonderful you that others have always seen and just injecting positivity into your mentality concerning life.
 I’ll be completely honest here, in fact, brutally honest. A few months back, I wasn’t what they called healthy. I was constantly worried about what I weighed, constantly mulling it over in the back of my head and, quite frankly, if my family didn’t see what I was doing to myself, I wouldn’t be this “reinvented” type of person I am today. I stopped eating my regular three meals a day, constantly worried about eating too much, calorie counting and all of that stuff that can lead you down a horrible spiral if you’re not careful. Now, a few months down the line, I have a much more balanced view of a healthy lifestyle. I try and squeeze my 5-a-day in on my regular three meals a day, I exercise but I don’t overdo it then I treat myself. I’m a chocolate lover, through and through. Always have been, always will be, regardless of whatever new crash diet tells me what I should and shouldn’t eat. Honestly, those “fad diet, quick fix” diets that are written about in magazines are complete and utter bullshit. Please excuse the strength of my foul language, however, you should know that I am incredibly vocal and outspoken about the things I believe in. 
I’m British, so it’s kind of expected that I drink quite a bit of tea, and with that, most Brits love a good cuppa tea and a biscuit. I’m not an exception to that rule, in fact, my writing desk is right next to where we keep the biscuits (…I’ll just act as if that wasn’t a coincidence…) which just shows that I now have learned to value in treating myself to life’s little luxuries usually in the form of Oreos, chocolate digestives or a bit of Ben and Jerry’s Chocolate Fudge Brownie ice cream. Now I see food in a much better light than ever before. 
  I like to think of my food intake as if I was if food was a petrol station and my body as the car, if you don’t invest enough money into buying the right type of fuel for your car, then it can have serious ramifications, causing you much more of a problem a little further down the line, treat your body with the same mentality, love and respect your body and then, soon enough, you’ll feel much better about yourself, because at the end of the day, you’re not blindly restricting yourself from the essentials. I’ll be honest here, I suggest that you avoid the “need” to weigh yourself, as I genuinely believe that whatever weight you are, the scale’s response should always be “you are beautiful.”

Much love,
Maisie xox